GSIS Touch

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Total ratings

3.91 (Rating count: 8,228)

Review summary

    • App often crashes and fails to open on various devices
    • Users experience issues with OTP not being sent or received
    • The app has compatibility problems across different phone models and brands
    • Slow performance during verification processes, causing frustration
    • Untrusted connection errors despite stable internet connections
    Most mentioned
    • Frequent crashes and inability to open the app
    • Incompatibility with many Android devices
    • OTP issues preventing access to features
    • Slow verification processes and issues with identity verification
    • Overall poor user experience and frequent bugs
    These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    See reviews for GSIS Touch on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.30
    All time rating average: 3.91
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    74% (23)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    Pat C
    Having trouble accessing the app. Error message "untrusted connection" even while using data. Such inconvenience. Update. Now it's saying I need an updated up but my app is already updated to the latest version
    Richard Gerna Chua
    I installed it and reinstalled it many times and yet it doesn't open.. How can we make use of this app if it doesn't work on Huawei or any android phones... 😡 Pls make this useful to us..
    Rosendo Navarro
    Very fast and easy! So fast and easy to uninstall! Lmao! It is asking for an OTP from a number that is long been inactive. Lol! And for you to update the number, the pensioner is asked to go somewhere even though the person does not have the strength to do so. What a joke! Do better guys!
    Ryl Raus
    The application is not compatible to all phones. The last time I logged in, I still can accessed it but later, I cannot access anymore. I installed again the app but it says that it is not compatible in my device. So, it is not device-friendly. It requires a phone with higher version.
    Beverly Ocbina
    We're having problems getting the required server information. Please check internet connection. (There's no problem with my internet connection) Please update your app. (I have the latest app) 🙄
    Divie Ann Tacuyan
    This is an honest review. The system has many flaws! Even logging in, it takes 5 to 10 minutes no matter how fast is the wifi or no matter if your phone is the latest model. Kindly fix the system, its frustrating to use and not user friendly at all.
    Kristelle Ferrir
    Have tried many days in applying online but to no avail. Now, i can only apply once a day. If error/declined during verification process, will aply the next day. This sucks. Tried my prc id, my national id, passport and other ids but to no avail! Now that i have NBI clearance, it didn't even proceed to the 3rd step since it wouldn't sent an OTP! When i was in your brach, i was not catered, and enrolled kasi sabi online na, now that i am applying online, di ma verify or ma-go. Anobato.
    Anna Clarissa Cruz
    I've encountered issues with the identity verification process. My phone has a good camera and is functioning correctly, so I don't understand why the photo always has an issue and I can't proceed further each day. It seems the problem is on your end. Could you please look into this, thank you!
    Liana leah Cam- ani
    not compatible to all kinds of phone! The app is opened by Gbox but still Keeps on crashing! IT team, please find ways to resolve the compatibility issues, why does the app keep on crashing using the Gbox?
    Francis Philip Doromal
    Originally gave this 4 stars. I am now giving it 1 star as I cannot open it anymore. It keeps on crashing. I have un-installed / installed several times already. Edit: back to 4 stars
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