Journal Club: Medicine

Internal medicine literature at your fingertips.

Total ratings

4.55 (Rating count: 286)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and navigate
  • Helpful for staying up-to-date with medical studies
  • Good collection of trials and summaries
  • Not updated regularly compared to the website
  • Many major studies and recent trials are missing
  • Paid service yet lacks comprehensive updates
Most mentioned
  • Need for more frequent updates
  • Lack of recent and important trials
  • Comparisons to the website's content
See reviews for Journal Club: Medicine on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 4.55
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Date Author Rating Comment
Hasan Sakr
Fantastic app Thank you
Abbas Kanso
Many major studies are not included. Suggestions to include landmark trials are ignored. This should be a paid service that gets REALLY updated in a regular basis.
Audrey Castle
So easy to use. Just what I need to stay up-to-date
Jamie Sutton
is this app dead? no updates. what's the point in keeping it anymore if it won't update? guess I'll pay for other apps
Still seems behind the website
Antonios Charokopos
Love it very helpful
mervyn mok
quick and convenient.
See Mower
Needs updates, getting stale pretty quickly, so many topics that could be expanded on
Armen Malkhasian
The app is great but developers are not updating it regularly in contrast to the website, although the website is free and the app is paid. Why???
Roula Esber
It's dose not include updated trials
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