The USSFCU app is your one stop shop to manage you account

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4.43 (Rating count: 148)
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Recent rating average: 2.90
All time rating average: 4.43
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43% (9)
Date Author Rating Comment
Quito Banogon
Mobile checking deposit does not work. I've tried twice to deposit a check for $421 and both times the confirmation screen only says it deposited $44. But then then neither transaction shows at all in my transaction history or bank account. Please fix!
App has been working perfectly lately. 👍
s Duffy
All of a sudden, app refuses to accept any deposits. I write exactly the phrase provided and still I get an error message.
Shirley Fiske
Cannot deposit checks. Does not recognize my long held user name and/or password all of a sudden. Even when Uninstaller and Re installed.
Darryl Adams
Rating would probably be 5 star, but haven't used enough to give top rating. Once I'm successful using more complicated features I would be comfortable giving a top rating.
Andy Payne
Frequent updates and very unreliable mobile check deposit.
lyle l. Nirenberg
After 35 minutes, still unable to deposit checks. Perhaps the worst mobile banking experience I have had to date.
Anna Sommers
Recently it's become incredibly frustrating to try to deposit checks remotely. You write the phrase on the back as instructed, take fro t and back photo, submit, and it repeatedly rejects it because it thinks you haven't written the phrase correctly. I try using caps, no caps, and finally it accepts after 3-5 tries. But it can blow 30 minutes to just upload a couple of small refunds, I now consider just skipping these deposits altogether.
Nick Leibert
Fantastic app! USS FCU did a really great job with this app and their online banking. The interface is smooth and everything works great, definitely one of my favorite banking experiences. Really happy to be a member of this credit union.
Jessica Schmitz
The new update looks great. It was confusing at first but now that I'm used to it I like it so much better. Great for mobile banking, and decent customer service through the app.
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