Reviews of USEF Rulebook

List of user reviews and ratings for USEF Rulebook

Total ratings

3.10 (Rating count: 20)
See reviews for USEF Rulebook on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.67
All time rating average: 3.10

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78% (7)
Date Author Rating Comment
Update: The issue with this app not working with Android phones has been fixed! I just reinstalled the app and can now seenthe content pastnthe initial install! Thanks USEF for fixing it! For reference purposes, phone I currently use is a Samsung S21.
Melissa Mastroni
Can access anything. I get the instructions page but can't access home or chapters
Robin Criswell
App doesn't get past the " instructions" page. No menu or anything to tap to go forward. Please fix this ASAP
Kathy Arrandale
Freezes on 1st page. Will not open past this.
Sharon Horn
Won't open past the instructions page.
Kimberly Collier
Opens to instructions then freezes.
Ellen S Beard
Will not go past first page. I Uninstaller and reinstalled and that did not fix it.
A Google user
The app has a useful search function for TD's and Show Managers/Secretaries which gives a short synopsis of the appropriate Rulebook section with the search term highlighted. Once you click on any of the choices, the page loads up on your phone. The app uses your data connection if no wireless is available, but if your show has neither you are out of luck. I only gave it 3 stars because the app does not have automatic updates- for example, the Rulebook online was updated on August 31, 2018 while the latest version of the Rulebook app was updated on February 9, 2018- so the claim "keep up-to-date with the latest rules" is disingenuous..
A Google user
App is empty. Nothing in it