Calculadora para la Aduana

It is a tool to calculate the taxes to be paid to Customs in Bolivia

Calculadora para la Aduana - Tax Estimator Bolivia

"Calculadora para la Aduana" is an Android app designed to help users estimate the taxes payable to Bolivian Customs. Based on the 2022 customs tariffs from the official Bolivian Customs website, this tool allows you to calculate various fees, including VAT, Tariff, CIF, and FOB, making it easier for you to understand your customs obligations.

App stats

By: SoftWeb
Downloads: 32,959
Rating: 4.50
Version: 2.0.1 (Last updated: 2022-10-31)
Creation date: 2019-03-09
Full description: See detailed description


User reviews

Muy útil ... gracias.

Buena app, cumple con lo que promete.
by A Google user, 2019-03-13
View all user reviews

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