Reviews of Expense Tracker

List of user reviews and ratings for Expense Tracker

Total ratings

1.00 (Rating count: 331)

Review summary

  • Excellent app
  • Good compared to other expense tracking apps
  • Works brilliantly when functioning properly
  • Data loss issues (unreliable data retention)
  • App crashes frequently
  • Missing features after upgrades
  • Inconvenient user interface (issues with scrolling and viewing data)
Most mentioned
  • Data loss
  • App crashes
  • User interface issues
  • Reliability concerns after upgrades
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Expense Tracker on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.90
All time rating average: 1.00
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Rating filters

5 star
32% (6)
4 star
21% (4)
3 star
16% (3)
2 star
5% (1)
1 star
26% (5)
Date Author Rating Comment
A Google user
Very bad
A Google user
Worst application. I have added data for 6 months. But data os automatically deleted. Do not install this application
A Google user
So perfect for me! Good job developers.
A Google user
It would have better if you have an option to edit the existing entry.
A Google user
My previous comment was "Suckss! Most unreliable" when I found that my 3months saved data was lost. Now I see that I don't have any such problems but still app is keep crashing. Anyway, good work overall.
A Google user
Rotation remained
A Google user
ive been using this app for a yr now and at first it worked brilliantly. but now with its recent "upgrades" it has been LOOSING features that were previously there. now its so inconvinient to view my expenses, like what is the use of the pie chart if u cant even view the % or the actual amount spent in each pie segment. there were many times after an "upgrade" that i have lost all my information before. if you want to make $ out of an app, at least hav an reliable free version to retain customers.
A Google user
Found a better easier app
A Google user
Excellent app
A Google user
Mast :-))
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