Dog breed detector

Identify your dog's breed with the help of app

Total ratings

3.45 (Rating count: 32)

Review summary

  • Smooth performance of the application
  • Interesting and entertaining content
  • Some users found the app fun to use
  • Excessive ads that disrupt usage
  • Inaccurate breed identification
  • Poor functionality leading to crashes
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads
  • App crashes or freezes
  • Inaccurate breed detection
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Dog breed detector on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.30
All time rating average: 3.45
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Rating filters

5 star
59% (10)
4 star
3 star
2 star
6% (1)
1 star
35% (6)
Date Author Rating Comment
Terri Broussard
Let us know
Management in many Well trained in trade. She can't help me with my issue at the moment.
James Trewolla
Do not install this garbage. It will NOT help you identify your dog. It will infect your device. No my device is not the issue. Your buggy code is the problem, but nice try.
__ Mac __
Ads crashed app and almost phone. Sort your app out the ads are a joke. Can't even open the app to begin with ad after ad
Andrew Bui
Trash app. It doesn't even function. All it does is displaying an ad every 5s. What a waste of time!
Rebecca Fournier
Didn't work, my dog is a great Pyrenees lab mix and it didn't get it right at all
Diane Huckin
Complete rubbish, I put three pictures of the same dog in and it came up with three totally different answers, it wouldn't know a dog breed if it bit it on the bum!!
Miss E.
Too many ads. Only a person with ZERO understanding of dog breeds would find this useful.
Stu Carter
Ads on every click.
Nirma Gg
Awesome and good app ... I love it.
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