Daniel Tiger: Play at Home

Visit Daniel's house & make believe. Play doctor, make music, & feed fish.

Total ratings

3.09 (Rating count: 66)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Some users find the app fun and cool for their children
  • One user reported that their child enjoyed it at first
  • The app is often described as boring and not engaging by multiple users
  • Many users experienced loading issues or blank screens when trying to use the app
  • Several reviews mention that the app is not worth the price and lacks sufficient content or educational value
Most mentioned
  • The app does not load or has loading issues
  • The app is considered boring by multiple parents
  • Lack of engaging content for children
See reviews for Daniel Tiger: Play at Home on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.00
All time rating average: 3.09
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Rating filters

5 star
17% (2)
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8% (1)
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17% (2)
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58% (7)
Date Author Rating Comment
Max Power
This game is so boring that my two year old got bored with it before I did. Requested refund, do not waste your money
247Reppin4daBrain “UncommoN”
Not much to do,my daughter got bored after playing each of the "games" once. Definitely not worth $2.99
It is fun and cool I love it
catiria arocho
It won't load correctly the music pops up but screen is blank I select parents same thing blank screen but I can here the music settings has nothing to select I have reset and restarted it several times. Should have listened to the reviews and not gotten it.
Alastair Graham
Broken on Android. $2.99? Come on, do better.
Samantha Vargas
The app does not load connected twice to my local PBS station very frustrating just purchased for my daughter the PBS kids app took off alot of Daniel tiger games.
Rachel Chapin
Wont download keeps saying theres a problem
Miriam Penado
My 4 yr old son loved it when we got it for him. Lost interest the same day. It's not very engaging, doesn't talk back as much, and not very educational. Developers should add more content, learning videos, etc.
Pink MagicUnicorn23
Good morning to him!
Frances Tarantino
Would not load
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