Members1st FCU Mobile

Members 1st FCU Mobile Banking app

Total ratings

2.94 (Rating count: 2,484)

Review summary

  • Access to account information and features like money transfers and bill payments when functioning.
  • The app includes security features such as biometrics.
  • User-friendly interface when successfully logged in.
  • Frequent login issues, including authorization errors and long login attempts.
  • Mobile deposit feature has significant problems, including blank screens after submitting.
  • Updates have led to decreased stability and functionality, causing users to consider switching banks.
Most mentioned
  • Login issues and authentication errors.
  • Inconsistent performance, requiring users to uninstall/reinstall the app.
  • Problems with the mobile deposit feature.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.00
All time rating average: 2.94
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52% (11)
Date Author Rating Comment
I see lots of negative reviews about this app, but tbh, it's almost always done what I need it to. Ability to log in with credentials/biometrics, transfer money, see current accounts, make payments, set up new accounts, and even deposit checks. I think it's very hit or miss, but I've had a positive experience with this all the years I've had it. Update: Dropping my rating from 5 stars to 1 star. This app now always lags and has issues verifying my credentials. What a shame, used to work good.
Duke Martorell
App doesn't let me log in half the time. The app is great once you log in and has a lot of features, but it always takes me 6+ time aof trying to log in due to the error "Authorization Issue". After attempting to log in a few times it works, but I don't know what the issue is considering it eventually works with the email and password after a few tries, so it isn't a password issue. If this didn't happen every time I tried to log in, the app would be 5 stars.
janelle conrad
the app used to work, now it just gives a blank white screen when sharing the screen with excel (checkbook). ive reported it through the app but nothing ever gets a response. im also not able to change my user name...ive been divorced a few years and both his and my accounts have both our names in the username. That has been reported a few times with no response.
Jill Speck
Just talked to a customer service person explained what was going on. Deposit a check the screen goes blank you have to clear the app of your phone and log in again for each check to be deposited. Funny thing she said no problems with the app but I see comments about the same problem I'm having and of course she could not send me to technical support. So once again I uninstalled the app and put it back on will see what happens when I have another check to deposit .
Gary and Jen Cassel
The mobile deposit feature doesn't work well. It snaps the photos and the enters check amount correctly, but the screen goes completely blank after I click submit. An email tells me it's been accepted, otherwise I wouldn't know. THEN, I have to close the app and log back in to continue depositing. Not very efficient!
Michael Wise
App was crashing continuously, and I had to uninstall and reinstall app. Now there is a second authentication, which is a decent security feature(but not a fan) The new bill payer set up is awful I would like to send out my payment when I want to bc I know when I get paid. If they actually have to mail a bill, they send it out much earlier and I may not have the funds in the account. Difficult to tell what is in queue to be paid. Prefer older version of bill payer.
Brandi Cassel
UPDATE NEEDED!! Since the last update I have nothing but problems trying to get into my account. First it gives a login error, then it says it's logging me in and gets stuck on the first red screen with the logo and freezes there. I have to either wait quite awhile for it to reset, or restart my phone to finally be able to login! No good! I'm so frustrated with this app AND lack of effort from Members 1st to fix it after numerous reviews like mine, that I am considering changing where I bank.
daniel sorensen
The app works well on the rare occasion that it works at all. I can't enable biometrics on my phone and most times I can't login because the login button doesn't work. If the login button does work 8 times out of 10 all I get is the res logo screen. Everytime that happens I have to Uninstall and reinstall the app. And that happens almost every other day if not everyday. It's enough to make me want to chamge banks just so I can have access to my account. It's utterly ridiculous and useless.
WarmFLBear Oh
EDIT: Newer versions have been stable and reliable... for now! The website is another issue entirely... 3 clicks to balance your checkbook and even then the layout is the most horrible. They changed a working system to one that is horrible! OLD REVIEW FOR APP: Still giving errors for not being able to read the numbers on bottom of checks being deposited.
Derek Little
Updating from 2* to 3*: past issues fixed. It now saves my user name and password. The look of the app is still not appealing. New problems - When transferring money, it will only allow me to enter whole dollars, the keyboard the app pulls up only has numbers 0 -9, a back button and a next button, no option to enter a decimal point to transfer cents. Also, cant do mobile deposit. Says use dark background even when placing checks on black or other dark items. Will not take the photo of the check.
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