Hyperskill: Learn to code

Сode on-the-go and sharpen your programming skills with 3000+ hands-on topics.

Total ratings

4.63 (Rating count: 1,250)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Excellent content and learning quality
  • User-friendly and clean interface
  • Great for beginners and practicing skills
  • Good integration with projects and resources
  • Seamless experience between mobile app and website
  • Bugs and technical issues (e.g., crashes, scrolling problems, missing buttons)
  • High subscription prices compared to other platforms
  • Some theoretical links are broken (Error 404)
  • Missing features compared to the web version
  • Need for improvements in the user experience (e.g., scroll bars, auto-fill issues)
Most mentioned
  • Content quality and learning resources
  • Technical bugs and crashes
  • Subscription pricing
  • User experience and interface concerns
  • Good for beginners
See reviews for Hyperskill: Learn to code on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 4.63
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Rating filters

5 star
62% (18)
4 star
28% (8)
3 star
3% (1)
2 star
1 star
7% (2)
Date Author Rating Comment
Ar K
They will force you on very basic questions, and it is really frustrated. uninstalled and changed rating from 5 to 1 😤
Victor Miti
I want to learn Go. I looked around for platforms that make learning new stuff fun, and I landed on Hyperskill. I'm loving it, it's awesome!
Alexander “wfthkttn” Usmanov
Great source to learn and practice.
Adi Trioka
One of the best coding learning platform
Amine BM
If they can just lower their prices for membership
this app provides a great learning experience with practice
Gateka Armel
brilliant way to boost skills
M Nikhil Naik
good app to learn programming
The app is nice, but there are some bugs present. For example, when scrolling the list, then clicking on item to open, when coming back, the positions are 0 instead of the one that stopped at. When searching content, then opening the page, "start practice" button is missing. It's only present when topic is opened from the course list. Overall, thank you for this app. It's the best app I have found on mobile so far for learning. I love the knowledge map, especially with a nice fill of percentage.
Lars Reitås
Very effective software for learning to code
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