Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Daily thoughts, meditations, and prayers for living a sober life in recovery.

Total ratings

4.92 (Rating count: 3,522)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Provides daily meditations, prayers, and readings that are crucial for sobriety and personal reflection.
  • Easy access to the content, making it convenient for users to read on the go.
  • No advertisements, which enhances user experience.
  • The app has a search feature and allows for easy navigation between days.
  • Users appreciate the optional reminder notifications for daily readings.
  • Some users report bugs with the app, such as persistent alarm icons that cannot be removed easily.
  • Accessibility issues for visually impaired users.
  • Lack of features for taking notes and highlighting text within the app.
  • Some users mentioned a need for a journaling feature or a topical cross-reference index.
Most mentioned
  • Daily relevance of content for recovery and personal growth.
  • The app's ability to replace the traditional hardcover book for convenience.
  • Desire for additional features like note-taking and journaling.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.70
All time rating average: 4.92
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Date Author Rating Comment
Edward Estes
An amazing guide book. That I can take anywhere on the go. AA is the focus but it's also very relevant to NA. everyday I get a shot for the day, a meditation for the day and a prayer for the day.
Nehemiah Florence
Very important meditation in the morning for me. I'm very happy to read and expound on it with others.
Beryl Jones
Heavily religious. I'm agnostic. I also hold that AA is not the end all solution. AA provides a piece to the puzzle. My tapestry is much more robust.
Michael McPherson
excellent! I have been reading the 24 hour a day book for 30 years! it helps keep me grounded! thank you so much! and God bless!
Lee Baggett
I love this little book as well as the app. just a few weeks ago I lost my phone, got a new one and had to pay for the download of the app, not very cool but in today's world I need to remember where I came from and be grateful that it doesn't cost more. I struggle with changing my life but the real issue is the un-learning of my childhood drama and the way I perceived life back then, not so much learning as replacing new thoughts and ideas with my old ones from all the years past. Love the app
Fantastic.This book of readings has become essential in my daily time with God and my AA/NA bookwork. It always seems to show true improvision throughout my day and has the ability to recenter my focus, calm the core. Highly recommend this daily read, meditation and prayer... all things that are paramount to my sobriety!
Mark Barsalou
Does what I need it to do and simply. No ads. Automatically goes to the next day, because 'some are sicker than others'. Has reminder, if I'm really scattered. Works in Dark Mode. Only minor pan is sharing function adds a bunch of fluff, so I copy and past if I need to go there. It's well thought out and designed.
Douglas Barden
This was the first book my sponsor had me buy 35 years ago. If you're only going to have one recovery book this is it. For some time now I've been using the app instead of the hardcover and the app has worked flawlessly for me on my Android phone. Perhaps my download is older than those used by other reviewers but I have not experienced any alarms.
Trisha Shaffer
It would be so cool if I could add notes to dates and highlight parts that touch my heart. Otherwise I'm so grateful for the easy access this app provides with my busy life. I read each day! Another suggestion would be an option for audio.
Susan Hancock
This was a classic in book form which I've used for 40 years. Now it is handy on my home screen. It delves deep into spirituality, and reviews most of the Big Book. The daily page appears at the touch of the app.! Has a search feature. When I need help, I use this book. Most important tool in my spiritual kit.
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