Guide for Ultimate Golf

Companion App for Ultimate Golf

Total ratings

3.27 (Rating count: 106)
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Recent rating average: 1.70
All time rating average: 3.27
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59% (13)
Date Author Rating Comment
Michael Mortaruolo
It is quite helpful. Free version is good but doesn't always load while waiting for Ads
James Irving
Paid for the subscription. Can't use the mesh lines and have gotten zero response as to why.
Jeff Sharp
Great app! How do we get the import feature to work again. Got a new device and want to move my mesh over
I've decided this app makes the game unplayable. Why would you want to cheat to have perfect shot every time. That's nothing like real golf so if you want to cheat and pay, have fun but I'm no longer gonna play if have to play against cheater tards. Ridiculously pathetic. It's a game.
What a joke, waste of time , gives you nothing but to watch ads, still keeps spinning
Jason “JC” Clark
Could you please fix the wind calculator, ad will not load, it is broken. thank you
Great when it works. Half the time it's useless because the ads you have to watch 1st WON'T LOAD !!
Johnny Harb
Trying to load the wind calculator and the ad never loads. I never managed to run the app.
Andy Horwood
Nice idea, but app doesn't work. I'm trying to make an overlay grid. You have to watch an ad to load up the overlay & again watch an ad to edit it (separate ads every time) That's fine, except the blooming ads don't load up 80+% of the time. Not going to spend money on something that I can't test out properly first.
rick sanchez
Commercial dont load sometimes and than you cant use it..not fun in middle of tournament that ends in maybe 3 never know when the app does this to you.
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