BasicNote - Notes, Notepad

BasicNote is a simple notepad. This app is a easy and fast notes app.

BasicNote - Simple Note Taking & Checklist App

BasicNote - Notes, Notepad is a simple and practical note-taking app for Android that allows users to create and manage notes effortlessly. With features like easy note creation, a built-in checklist, auto-save, and a clean user interface, BasicNote focuses on providing an efficient way to organize daily tasks and ideas. Its versatile functionality makes it suitable for personal use, to-do lists, idea notebooks, shopping lists, and more, ensuring users can stay organized with minimal effort.
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App stats

Version: 2.2.0 (Last updated: 2025-03-13)
Version code: 49
Creation date: 2019-07-29
  • android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_AD_ID
  • android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_TOPICS
  • android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
  • android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE
  • android.permission.INTERNET
  • android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
  • android.permission.USE_FINGERPRINT
  • android.permission.WAKE_LOCK
  • android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
  • See more
Size: 8.88M
Full description: See detailed description

Other platforms

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User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Simple and functional design
  • Reliable backup feature for notes
  • Minimalist interface with no intrusive ads
  • Ability to create checklists and organize notes
  • User-friendly for quickly jotting down ideas or tasks
  • Frequent scrolling issues that jump to the bottom of notes
  • Limited formatting options (no bold or italics)
  • Lack of cloud backup and access across devices
  • Difficulty with list item editing and rearranging notes
  • Inconvenient two-step process for editing note titles and content
Most mentioned
  • Scrolling issue where the note jumps to the bottom
  • Need for improved editing features
  • Desire for more formatting options and customization
  • App simplicity is appreciated despite some functionality limitations
  • Backup and recovery options are reliable
User reviews
Great app, I rated 5 star before, however had to downgrade to 3 because recently there's a bug that randomly instantly scrolls the note to the very bottom. When you try to scroll back up, after less than a sentence, it scrolls you back to the bottom again. Sometimes it just scrolls you down such that the line you're typing on is at the very top of your view. Super random and annoying.
by Oliver Wu, 2025-01-25

Almost perfect! Love that you can lock and organize notes, only peeve is when using the checklist adding a new bulletpoint drops it to the very bottom of the list, rather than bottom of the page I'm looking at. It makes sense to do it this way logically of course, but functionally... oftentimes I'm editting grocery lists and have a looong list, and if you're organizing things to be more efficient at the store it's a bit frustrating dragging something from the very bottom of a long list.
by Harley Carter, 2024-12-15
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