Hotword Plugin [Tasker Plugin]

Hey Google! Jarvis! Computer! Shout any hotword you like and let Tasker react!

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3.75 (Rating count: 34)
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Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 3.75
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Date Author Rating Comment
David Sanchez
I remade all my macrodroid macros in tasker and the app works perfectly now. Ding off and everything! No more crashes. I think it is a macrodroid issue. Thanks.
Michael Fabian Dirks
"Hotword Plugin" keeps closing. The app has been forcefully stopped to improve system performance. Not functional on a Samsung S24U
Dawserdoos Grahamcracker
Hmm, it seems when I enable or disable certain hotwords when I have more than ~5, sometimes the app will select and disable completely different hotwords seemingly at random!! Love the app, but this troublesome bug is causing many issues...
Joshua G
Fantastic app, have been using it 6+ months to run a fully local voice assistant on home assistant. My only comment is that it uses snowboy for the wakeword recognition, which is both an unmaintained project and is difficult to create custom hotwords for. If the app implemented openwakeword as an option this would be literally perfect.
Sebastian S Olson
Very good! Thank you for your hard work
Mo Sha
The best I found so far. Finally, I can have different hotwords on my phone and on my tablet. And I can activate different assistants individually, without having to decide which one to make default. Thank you!
Doesn't actually connect
A Google user
Once you enable microphone in the app assistant shows "google can't be reached right now" - looks like they blocked it.
A Google user
Thank you, keep up the good work. 👍👍
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