
Price is the No.1 price platform in Hong Kong, providing quotations for more than 230,000 items of digital products, home appliances, etc., helping you easily find your favorite products, download the Price App now to keep abreast of daily flash discounts!

Total ratings

4.39 (Rating count: 15,048)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Large selection of products and merchants
  • Good for price comparison
  • Easy to use with useful information
  • Informative and trustworthy
  • Smooth service and purchasing process
  • Intrusive ads and pop-ups
  • Lack of order tracking and consumer support
  • Limited English support for non-Chinese speakers
  • Messages with merchants are poorly organized
  • Unreliable refund and purchase record system
Most mentioned
  • Annoying ads, including forced ads on app opening
  • Need for better English support
  • Issues with order tracking and customer service
  • Poor organization of messages from merchants
  • Desire for features like dark mode and vibration disable options
See reviews for Price香港格價網 on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 4.39
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24% (5)
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43% (9)
Date Author Rating Comment
Morris Lee
Best in HK
Vitalij Ivanov
Claims better user experience on the app when you are on the web (which is not surprising, as the web version is awful), but turns out they just can stuff your face with more ads in the app in more intrusive way... and that's about it.
Absolutely insane that any product you enquire about via chat doesn't get saved so you can't refer to said item when visiting physically stores. Pretty useless...
Kaustubh Zore
If you can add english support will be great as many users of app actually take help of others to read and contact sellers as no seller cotact details or information is available in English, still need option to see address of seller in English
Simon Lee
Great app! Large selection of products and merchants. Service and purchasing process very smooth.
lily fong
No complaints feature. Unable to trace orders placed, consumer is totally on their own to face the vendor. The vendor sent a tracking no. Email and platform deemed their job done regardless if it had been sent or delivered. As a platform, not professional like taobao or Amazon.
Message centre, all messages with merchants always appear as unread (red circle message indicator). Messages are not listed chronologicallly. Odd thing is all user sent messages are grouped at the top right. All messages received from merchants are grouped bottom left. Not according to timestamp like in a messaging app.
Samuel HK
I've bought over 10 times through Price. I couldn't go back to the app, after the ads.
Wing Lee
A great source for price comparison. I always shop from the resellers in the rooster, not necessary the lowerest price one. A great app indeed.
Asta Lee
Informative and trustworthy. Always visit PRICE when I buy. The site also allows me to communicate with sellers seamlessly.
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