Week Plan: Weekly Tasks, Goals

Increase Your Productivity with Week Plan - Weekly Tasks and Goals Tracker App

Total ratings

3.08 (Rating count: 494)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • The app is based on the principles of the 7 habits of highly effective people, providing a solid framework for planning and prioritizing tasks.
  • Users appreciate the unique objective-setting feature that categorizes tasks based on different roles in life.
  • The web interface is reported to be better than the app, and some users find the overall concept useful and innovative.
  • The app has usability issues, including poor layout, unclear interface, and lack of intuitive navigation.
  • Many users find the app to be too expensive for the value it offers, leading to recommendations for lower-cost alternatives.
  • Frequent bugs, crashes, and sync issues detract from the user experience, making the app unreliable at times.
Most mentioned
  • The app's high cost compared to its functionality.
  • Usability and interface problems.
  • Bugs and crashes affecting performance.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.90
All time rating average: 3.08
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Date Author Rating Comment
Mickey Owen
Great idea but not user friendly unfortunately. Poor layout. I hope someone does a good job of the 7 Habits planner at some point. I love this format and it works really well for me. I'd love to have it all in a user friendly app.
Deepak Kumar
It's still a bit difficult, but WeekPlan's approach is by far the best way for me to manage not only my own goals and tasks over time but also coordinate life and family tasks. family with my husband. It seems like our use case isn't fully covered in terms of features/price, but it's currently the best product out there.
Abraar Dustay
Based on the book 7 habits of highly effective people. A great tool for effective planning and scheduling of tasks. I would suggest you read the book 1st to give a deeper insight into the importance of planning your tasks and achieving various goals
Jacob Rasmussen (Jake)
Love the concept with the roles and other ways to subdivide tasks. The concept is solid and it works well on PC. However, the phone app doesn't work nearly as smoothly and limits options. On top of this, that premium is too expensive. If everything worked well, I would be willing to pay about $5-6 a month for premium. I am not willing to pay 10.83 monthly or $104 for the year, and especially when the app doesn't even work that well.
Haresh Raichura
This app trains in setting priorities and then helps in executing tasks as per priorities, roles and onjectives. Its quardant view immediately helps in focusing on important but not urgent goals, and also on urgent tasks. It has a place for holding all backlog of important tasks that often slips away from our urgent addicted mind. Some may find price a little costly. A graded price plan with a graded features can help many. Otherwise it is feature rich app which works on different platforms..
Francesca D'Oriano
Pop up input windows not fitting within screen. Very glitchy, not always responsive to touch. Not intuitive. Gave up. Needs more work
Chris Guirlinger
App was working fine until today. Now it won't open. Multiple tries, uninstalled and reinstalled, restarted phone, nothing.
A Google user
Liked the overall function. Just upgraded and not sure if the Google calendar is syncing correctly.
A Google user
I love, Love, LOVE the WeekPlan idea, philosophy and web site. Unfortunately the service is just too expensive so I can't keep using it. The website is better than the app though - had some issues with losing things in the app which reappear when I use the web version, and tasks not automatically rolling over to the next day in the app (which they do in the web version). Needs a widget so you can see your tasks for the day without opening the app. Summary: great idea, some bugs, too expensive :(
A Google user
Was a good app until I would have had to sell my first born son to pay for it! Not worth the money for a planner app. Go download Elisi which is just as good and FREE!
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