Bookmory - reading tracker

Track and remember your books

Total ratings

4.81 (Rating count: 52,060)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use interface
  • Great calendar feature for tracking reading
  • Ability to set goals and track statistics
  • Customizable options for entering books and tracking
  • Ability to log multiple reading sessions
  • Frequent pop-ups asking for backups
  • Subscription model versus one-time purchase
  • Issues with barcode scanning feature
  • Limitations in editing past reading logs
  • Desire for more themes and customization options
Most mentioned
  • Calendar feature
  • Subscription model
  • Ease of use
  • Ability to track reading statistics
  • Need for improvements in barcode scanning
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.81
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Date Author Rating Comment
This is my 3rd year using this app, and I love it! I especially love the calendar feature, which gives me a visual representation of my reading for each month. The absolutely only reason I downgraded it to 4 stars is because the app constantly has pop ups asking me to back up my info on every screen that I open, and I find that to be annoying. Overall, though, I totally recommend this app as a fun reading tracker.
Toni Duke
I love, love this app! Being able to enter my books, along with their description, and dates that I checked them out (library) or borrowed them with my Kindle unlimited subscription is amazing! I was searching for a way to have a visual calendar of the days I read which book, and Bookmory delivers!! Much easier to keep up with my to-be-read books, too. (Goodreads can become a dead hole of books that I've saved to read, even though it does a good job of keeping up with my yearly books read.)
James Tester
My experience on this app has been FANTASTIC! I'm able to record the amount I've read with ease and keep track of all the books I've read (while also adding books to read in the future). I enjoy creating goals for myself on this app and the notes feature is a fun addition. Ultimately, I recommend this app to all readers out there, whether you're just getting into reading or have been for many years!
This app is exactly what I was looking for! Great UI. Easy. Fun. If there was a single purchase option for the upgraded version instead of the subscription model, I would buy it. But I hate subscriptions with the fire of a thousand suns... so I won't be going past the free version. :/
Brooke D
I like this app but I feel like there could be a lot of improvements to make it better. I hate how even if you don't log reading, it still shows up as you read a book on a certain day. I also feel like how they log reading is convoluted. I like how you have the options to do audio, percentage, pages, but it's hard to add a recording for a specific day in the past.
This is great because I just needed something to track the books I want to read and what I've read. I don't need anything fancier than that, and this meets those needs. I didn't do 5 stars because you need a subscription for basic additional graphs if you want to view your information another way, but overall, it is easy to use and find books to add to the tbr!
Fulgencio Schonborn
I love it. This is exactly what I needed. Tracks time read, which is awesome. Tracks pace, and pretty much everything else one would need. I can't really think of any improvements. Maybe overlaying the timer button onto the cover of the book that's being timed. That would be super cool. Been using for a year and really really appreciate this app. Thank you!
Sarah Scannell
I like the ease of use with this app. I've tried others but they were clunky or weren't customizable enough for my purposes. My two suggestions for feedback: ordering books by # in a series (right now, there's no easy option for labeling books by series and number within the series and when you sort by author or title or anything of that sort, any books in a series get jumbled) and having a browser version so it's possible to access the list across devices.
Lisette Santiago
Absolutely amazing app, it's the only one that I've found that truly works for me. It has the ability for the user to rate their books, log multiple reading sessions on the same day (tap your page count after clicking your current book), set goals and see those statistics and more. I recommend it to any reader I know and I'm glad I found this app, it's certainly rated correctly!
McKenzie Robinson
I downloaded this when another app I used got...dumb. It's great. I do wish there were more theme colors, or even an option to set custom ones, but that's a very small critique. I like being able to set various goals. I'm a "happy when progress bar goes up!" I also like being able to add books to the "to read" list. So, overall, fantastic app. More colors please?
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