Working time

Easy to use app for tracking working time.
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Recent rating average: 4.57
All time rating average: undefined

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Date Author Rating Comment
Niclas Erlund
Simple and easy to use but my work week starts on Monday, not Sunday.. for some reason the app insists that week starts on Sunday and can't be changed. And on top of that it shows the wrong week number.
A Google user
Parasta ois jos kommentteihin sais rivit lisättyä
A Google user
Näppärä, luotettavasti ja kevyesti toimiva ohjelma. Viides tähti tulisi mahdollisuudesta tulostaa työaikatiedot myös muissa kuin pdf-formaateissa. Esim .csv olisi påp jatkokäsittelyä ajatellen.
A Google user
This app is great and a simple way to keep track of my worked hours, I have one recommendation that I feel that is important. You should add the ability to change how the work weeks are grouped. For example, I turn in my hours every Wednesday, so in turn, my pay week starts every Thursday. If there was a way to change what day of the week your pay schedule begins and ends instead of just Sunday to Saturday, I would rate this app 5 stars.
A Google user
Toimii taas, kuten pitääkin! 5/5
A Google user
Keep it simple! Has all the necessary features, adding more would make it worse.
A Google user
Very nice app