App Search: Launch apps fast

Search and launch apps quickly from anywhere

Total ratings

4.80 (Rating count: 916)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Extensive customization options
  • No ads and free to use
  • Fast and effective app searching
  • Responsive developer support
  • Easy to use with a simple interface
  • Some features are buggy (like keyboard interaction)
  • Lacks search suggestions and history functionalities
  • Occasional crashes or slow opening times
  • Missing integration to notifications or system settings search
  • Inconsistency with certain device updates
Most mentioned
  • Need for search suggestions while typing
  • Request for integration in the notification panel
  • Automatic launch of shortcuts
  • Ability to search system settings
  • Request for better handling of keyboard visibility
See reviews for App Search: Launch apps fast on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.70
All time rating average: 4.80
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Date Author Rating Comment
Bishal Das
Please add a feature to integrate it in the notification panel like iOS! Anyway great app!
Assaf Nisan
Excellent! Simple and functional, yet it has a lot of options to personalize. It's the only way I start apps from now.
Hey dev can you please make it so the text ALWAYS automatically clears all the time? Sometimes I reopen the app and the previous text (app I search) still there and need to clear it. Thank you!
Chi Chung
Incredible app. Very much customizable compare to app dialer. Kudos to developer. I have few request here. It's it possible to: 1) right align search result 2) centralised only search result
Nabeel Al-Khattab
very good app. lots of customization options. I switched to this when sanding removed Finder in One UI 6.
Amit Kumar Soni
It's keep updating the app with many features with very simple way. I just love it. Thank you so much. Most usefull and highly recommended app. Everyone should have it. Easy searching and lunch your favourite app very quickly. Developer also responding very quickly and add my recommended setting in very short period of time. Thanks again.
Vaibhav Jain
Loving the app so far, specially t9 search. Request 1 & 3 addressed in 2 weeks 🙏 keeping 🤞for #2 please add - 1. Automatic Launch of Shortcuts: (done 👍)Currently, only apps are automatically launched if there's a perfect match. Please add the ability for shortcuts to be launched automatically as well when there is a perfect match. 2. Search System Settings: Introduce the ability to search through system settings to enhance accessibility and efficiency. 3. Contact Search: (done 👍)
I'm not privy to the 3rd party search bar game outside of ones from launchers. having tried like 4 before getting to this one, I think it's pretty good, and especially for being free and without ads, it's really good. does exactly what I needed it to do and it's pretty slick. nitpicky quality of life features I think would take it to the next level is: web suggestions as you type in the search bar, search history, and pinnable shortcuts. regardless though it's very good as is great job dev(s)!
Md Asad Alam
This app is perfect. I love it. *Add option to search folders from the file manager if possible and thankyou so much for adding the contact search option.
Sathwik Raj
Great experience with this App search application. Thank you. Finally I found what I am searching for. Small sugg: If possible add an option of search box in settings menu! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⁹⁹⁹⁹❤️ Fantastic App search application.
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