Debuggable Browser

This browser allows you to inspect and debug any web page using Chrome DevTools

Total ratings

2.81 (Rating count: 193)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • App is intended for connecting to a computer for developers
  • App does not have debugger tools
  • App is considered fake or useless
  • Users expected different functionality than what the app provides
  • Negative user experience and dissatisfaction
Most mentioned
  • Fake app
  • Useless app
  • Lack of debugging tools
  • Misunderstanding of app's purpose
See reviews for Debuggable Browser on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.30
All time rating average: 2.81
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Rating filters

5 star
10% (2)
4 star
5% (1)
3 star
2 star
1 star
85% (17)
Date Author Rating Comment
Taner Özel
Not working it is fake app
Website Development
Verry bad app this ! Mostly fake app is this !
Jayasree P
Ok. I got the usage. But can you integrate a dom view within the app so you can really inspect element within the debuggable browser
Monirul Islam
Chutia. There is no any, nothing, 0 option in this application.
Andrei Tudos
Useless app. It does nothing
Sankar Bala
It should be negative rating as (-5) star.
Amira Mahmoud
If there was less than one star , anyway , this is just a normal browser just a fake
A Google user
Waste of time
A Google user
Don't have tools for develop ,,😠😡🤬
A Google user
This is fake.
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