Tashkent Uzbekistan Map

A Maps app that works without the internet. Keep in your pocket while traveling.

Tashkent Uzbekistan Map - Offline Travel Guide

"Tashkent Uzbekistan Map" is an offline maps application designed for travelers. It allows users to explore various points of interest, navigate with GPS from their current location, and access travel guides. Users can filter locations such as hotels, restaurants, attractions, and more, while enjoying features like real-time location tracking and speed. With adjustable settings for language and map style, this app is essential for smooth navigation in Tashkent.

App stats

By: KV Maps
Downloads: 61,573
Version: 3.3.0 (Last updated: 2021-10-21)
Creation date: 2015-11-13
Full description: See detailed description


User reviews

Good please let everyone else download it from play store if going to tashkent uzbekistan
by John Choi Hahn, 2021-06-27
View all user reviews

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