Fussball Transfers

All News, Live Scores, trading, tables and rumors about football

Total ratings

3.23 (Rating count: 7,260)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great content and news source
  • Good app for football news
  • Useful information for fans
  • Excessive and unskippable ads
  • Only available in German
  • Too many notifications that cannot be turned off
Most mentioned
  • Annoying ad videos
  • Lack of English language support
  • Decline in usability and overall experience
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.90
All time rating average: 3.23
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Date Author Rating Comment
Lukas Geipel
Die App ist unbenutzbar seit es bei fast jedem Artikel eine Video Werbung, die man nicht überspringen kann, gibt. 30 Sekunden video für fast jeden Artikel UND wenn man auf die Hauptseite zurückkehrt. Die kurzen Werbe Seiten die es davor gab waren in Ordnung, aber das ist nur noch dreist. Hab die App gelöscht trotz guter Inhalte.
Daniel Puth
It used to be an amazing news source, superfast and on point! NOW: super annoying ad videos that run for 30sec. and NO option other than watching it. Very sad to see this happening with an app providing such great content.
Inder Jeet
Not good,you must try trans market
Die Werbungen "Ads" Nerven sehr aber sonst eine Tolle App! Sehr zu Empfehlen!
Leon K
too much ads. getting news from Teams, I dont follow. Many missspellings, to many wrong facts. no focus on users. Edit: I currently get push news for articles from france, without the possibility to open them.
Mirza Grbešić
Ok but why full screen ads? Please add option to pay to remove ads.
Zeribit Abdelwahab
No languages except German it's not a useful app for whom didn't understand german
Ijaz Wazir
Wonderful app...but it should be translated to English
João Sousa
Only German available
Mohamed Bayoudhi
Only in german !!
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