봉제네 스마트 – 봉제 매칭 플랫폼

Clothing production platform that matches buyers and producers “Bongje’s Smart”

봉제네 스마트 - 봉제 매칭 플랫폼

봉제네 스마트 – 봉제 매칭 플랫폼 is a clothing production app that uses big data to connect buyers and producers for seamless collaboration. With features like 1:1 matching, production quotes, and easy sample requests, users can find the right factory for their designs. Whether you're a clothing brand or a producer, this platform simplifies the process of manufacturing clothing, streamlining communication and production requests.
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App stats

Downloads: 2,362
Version: 2.0 (Last updated: 2021-11-21)
Creation date: 2021-10-26
Full description: See detailed description

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