Net Blocker: Block Data Access

The net blocker app allows the user to block Wi-Fi and data access of apps

Total ratings

3.71 (Rating count: 733)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works as described for blocking unwanted data access
  • User-friendly interface that's easy to navigate
  • Effective for controlling data usage and enhancing privacy
  • Frequent and intrusive ads, including long video ads
  • Occasional crashes and failures to operate properly
  • Limited app selection for blocking; some desired apps are missing
Most mentioned
  • Intrusive ads affecting usability
  • Issues with the app crashing or malfunctioning
  • Success in blocking unwanted apps and data access
See reviews for Net Blocker: Block Data Access on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.30
All time rating average: 3.71
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52% (11)
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33% (7)
Date Author Rating Comment
Tobie Le Bouquin
Terrible app crashes all the time .
Worst App...Fake Reviews.....Ads Ads that produces more Ads... The app doesn't serve the purpose ,as the apps related to the phone are not shown... Please don't use this
Nomi Khan
A very helpful app,if you don't want to recieve msgs from what's app or messenger and your data is on, this is a good app for this
Not working, when I turn it on, it will go off itself and then no show of reason of why does it go off directly. The best solution is Uninstall this app.
ernest spartan
This app is virtually useless as it only select apps for you to block internet and Wi-Fi access. Unfortunately the very apps I wanted to block internet access where not in the list so I immediately uninstalled the app. I will download the app in about 2 weeks to see if that problem will be solved
Barry Foxworth
I pushed the button for blocking this app but instead it blocked ALL my apps, even my alarms and notifications, like things to do. Now I have to go through ALL my apps and undo everything and reset ALL my apps that run in the background! OMG! BEWARE! It could ruin your entire apps setups! I feel sick!
My Name
App appears to do what it claims (using a VPN) but ads are VERY intrusive - 30 seconds any time you click on a setting!
Javier Hernandez
Bazillion freaking long video ads. Touch the screen once and another video ad. Literally unusable.
Benny H. S.,
Run as intended, but in xiaomi getapps is so sneaky that if it runs, it will make the vpn disconnect automatically and installing unecesarry update. I prefer uninstall getapps update and force stop it.
Rock Ase zzss
This is the one of the best blocker app in the world the performance is outstanding I like it very much ##
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