Al Arabiya - العربية

The official application of Al Arabiya News Channel

Total ratings

3.25 (Rating count: 17,506)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Higher news standards than competitors
  • Reliable updates and coverage of news
  • App frequently crashes
  • No sound on live broadcasts
  • Issues with loading news and displaying the correct content
  • Sluggish performance even on fast internet
  • Increased ads affecting user experience
Most mentioned
  • App crashes often
  • Poor functionality and glitches
  • Removal of features (e.g., Android Auto)
  • Biased news coverage
  • Overall dissatisfaction with app performance
See reviews for Al Arabiya - العربية on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.60
All time rating average: 3.25
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73% (16)
Date Author Rating Comment
Khalid Mohanna
it cuts out
Mohammed H AlHeraiz
Please RETURN the Andriod Auto option to listen to AlArabiay in the car while driving. It was great! was removed recently :-(
Anas Khalifa
Since 16 April 2023 the app doesn't show any news,just a blank page,i have tired cleared cash and reinstall but nothing resolved the issue
The app keeps crashing all the time,i would rate it -5 if i could. Go back to the old version or sort it out.
Razzouk M Ali
The app downloading videos in news section automatically even if we not play it and over 4g network
Assim Elobeid (Ajking)
The application has alot of glitches , it's not working properly
Mahmood Saeed
It has been very slow now although I have a very fast internet connection the old interface was much better
helal montiero
Crash all the time not working and I prefer the old layout
Suliman Algwaiz
They should be ashamed of this app. The only thing this app knows consistently well is how to crash. Waste of time.
Moawia Elhassan
The sound of deception and the true face news
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