Notícias Portugal | PT Jornais

Notícias Portugal: Easy access to local, national news, sports, talk and more

Total ratings

4.57 (Rating count: 1,778)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Keeps users updated with news
  • Provides access to multiple major newspapers in Portugal
  • Allows saving news previews for offline reading
  • Useful for non-native speakers learning Portuguese
  • Excessive ads interrupt the reading experience
  • Issues with widget functionality and loading times
  • Some users reported crashes and performance issues
  • Cannot move the app to SD card
Most mentioned
  • Presence of ads
  • Widget functionality problems
  • Ease of access to news sources
  • App stability concerns
See reviews for Notícias Portugal | PT Jornais on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 4.57
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Rating filters

5 star
35% (7)
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30% (6)
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10% (2)
Date Author Rating Comment
Oriach Rr
Se quero ler parte de uma notícia levo com uns 5 ou 6 comerciais. Para ver comerciais não necessito ter esta portugal comerciais, não portugal news.
Muitíssimos anúncios e navegação difícil em várias publicações
Romao Neto
No matter where I am , I'll be always updated 👍👍👍
Leandro Otani
Gostosinhas noticias
Miguel Santos
App boa com muita utilidade, só não gostei muito do design. E o widget demora muito a carregar notícias.
Sérgio Marques
Recentemente widget ficou muito pior, raramente mostra notícias sem clicar várias vezes no botão de atualizar
A Google user
App boa que permite salvar o preview offline (depois de abrir o separador do respectivo jornal)
A Google user
A Google user
love to have all news gathered in one app
A Google user
Full of bugs and ads
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