Multi Craft : Mini Block Town

Multi Craft : Mini Block Town. Enjoy craft, enjoy game!

Total ratings

3.99 (Rating count: 47,409)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good graphics, similar to Minecraft
  • Fun building mechanics
  • Creative gameplay with flying and building options
  • Free to play and has interesting house designs
  • Excessive ads disrupt gameplay
  • Gameplay becomes boring over time
  • Technical issues with spawning and unlocking items
  • Lagging and crashing on some devices
  • Limited worlds and customization options
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads
  • Technical issues (spawning, unlocking items, bugs)
  • Gameplay/creative limitations
  • Good graphics and fun aspects
  • Desire for more interactive content
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.30
All time rating average: 3.99
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Date Author Rating Comment
Monika Joshi
Game is good but please fix some of 1.) add traffic lights, 2) real roads blocks , 3) real cars ,bikes ,bus , trains models 4) real models of trees and plants and also add features In trees and plant of fruit grown show on it 5) make a all land flat 6) fix problem of tiles ie when we put tiles on outside floor and when rain comes it will break so please fix this problem 6) add railway tracks also please fix this problems and updates as soon as possible please
Joseph Samuel
It is a great game to play, but there is only one world I can play but I couldn't make my own world. what do you mean, it just a rip off game copy similar to Mini Block Craft. There is a glitch on it, only 4 inventory to put the items, boring game, and also boring building. No fun, I fell a little fun... But I still not happy with this game. weird. 1 star
Daniel Sinohui
Many of us may agree there were many ads, but I fixed that with turning my Internet off 😅. I love this game, but I only use it when I don't have enough storage for Minecraft. But this game is SUPER good, but when I went to weapons it didn't show anything (even when I had my Internet on)so if anyone else has that problem please fix it! It might just be me. It overall is a great game for me!
Ysay Vargas
This app is amazing, y'all should try this. Ik many people said that there's an ad and it's annoying them, but all you have to do is turn off your WiFi or data so you can play free from the ad . Also, who ever made this, can you add more houses, a school, and some people that we can communicate to them.
Mercillina Richard
It's a very fun building game, but the ads are too annoying, and when my wifi is slow, the ads get worse. I can't skip ads when they load up slower than usual. Even the timer frezes when the ad loads slowly. Can you please just load up an ad after I open up a chest 3 times? Thank you. And also when my wifi is slow, can you at least make the timer on the ad still count down? Thanks.
Lorena C. Ugalde
Nice game in case... It's always lag and I really don't like the graphic especially when you destroy furniture(not the blocks)it cannot be in the inventory, the only good is furniture it's boring also in other houses there is black that comes out bc the build is too big when the build is big black will appear out No survival and even no flat when I would have killed an animal, he would also kill me even if I was creative, this game is a mess and worst i played in my whole life :\ don't play:)
Yogesh Govender
Hello!, This is one of the most fun games of building bc you can fly and do lots of things! and you have your own house you do not have to build it! It is really fun I just wish there is a mode like a dino mode you have to survive it if be really fun if you make a dino mode but it is still fun! pls make more and pls make the dino mode and different other modes but it is still really fun thank you for making this keep up the great work!
Calixterio, Christine Joy 10 - ALBERT EINSTEIN
This is gonna be the last time to tell you,that this game's graphics are so so very great. Sometimes it lags on my phone but I can recover it easily so still okay. The only PROBLEM is. I need some other characters there that are cosplaying(≧▽≦) neighborhood,other workers,priest of the church and more people becos it feels so LONELY. Anyways,thanks for this game
Vavor Leak
It is quite nice, love creature models however, it's kinda, weird? I guess. It's just a town with to many twists, turns and giant houses. Also, kinda rude how some building items can't be used, like idk, lamps, candles etc without watching vids. Overall, pretty nice.
Chris Choja
I love this game and I play it all the time, but I died and now I lost all my inventory and it keeps on saying that running in bare feet is slow, and telling me to put on shoes. I have no idea how you put on shoes and I'm slow so it's kinda annoying. I would 100% make this 5 stars if someone would tell me how to put on shoes. It would make the experience better and stop all those messages. Thx
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