Mobile SSH (Secure Shell)

Mobile SSH (Secure Shell) is based on Putty SSH library.

Total ratings

3.14 (Rating count: 4,409)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Basic functionality of SSH works fine
  • Can establish SSH connection between Android phone and laptop
  • Can perform major Linux commands on its CLI
  • Holds connection well
  • Intrusive and frequent ads disrupt user experience
  • User interface is difficult to read and navigate
  • Lacks essential features like key verification and ctrl character support
  • Disconnects from SSH session when switching apps
  • No option to copy selected text, only entire visible text
Most mentioned
  • Intrusive ads
  • Disconnects from session when switching apps
  • Basic functionality is present but lacking in advanced features
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.20
All time rating average: 3.14
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52% (12)
Date Author Rating Comment
Jean Rocaro
Great application, works perfectly.
Kieran Drain
New adverts are just way too intrusive and opting out of sharing my data is too difficult.
Sjors de bruijn (Boomkop3)
Hey, it's an ad viewer. This used to be an ssh app at one point
Currently it cuts off my screen on top and on the bottom. Cannot see the text I am typing just the very top of the letters. I have a pixel 7 pro. It used to be fine. 2nd issue Forced ads Everytime you switch to another app and back to check for commands. Plus it ends the connection because of the ad. Thought about going premium but the way the app has changed I am not sure the right mentality is behind the app.
Evil Ted
Felt like i was back in 1980, but in some scifi movie of the era. I was expecting to see marty mcfly, but he never showed up. Maybe next time i will put the right coordinates into the flux capacitor, and help out the doc. maybe that will bring it into the modern world
Jack Peters
Great whenever you get a server crash and need an easy restart
K&K Service Team
In case you're looking for PuTTY, this is definately not the original to begin with. Secondly, the data exchange responsiveness is the same as a 300bps Bulletin Board System. Last, the way too intrusive full-screen advertisements make the app all but a productive and enjoyable tool to work with half a world away. Bottom line: Not recommended at this point of time.
Jared Tanner
Uninstalled almost immediately. The SSH works just fine, but the ads are intrusive and super annoying. Every time you exit the app and come back in, a full banner ad pops up, and I accidentally clicked it more than once. I installed Termius instead. No such issues.
Zoey Smith
Lacks the most basic of functionality you need to navigate common ssh interfaces without a keyboard attached. And cannot even display more advanced interfaces like raspi-config.
Kristy C
Works but UI unreadable. All the buttons on my screen have white text on a light grey background. Could use the app but with straining my eyes. Had to Uninstall
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