Matching Cards

Matching cards game - find all the matching pairs of cards

Total ratings

4.61 (Rating count: 1,415)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun and engaging gameplay
  • Good for memory exercise
  • Challenging and keeps interest
  • Relaxing and enjoyable experience
  • Excessive and long ads
  • Some cards are uninteresting
  • Difficulty increases quickly
  • Personal data usage concerns
Most mentioned
  • Game is challenging
  • Long ads disrupt gameplay
  • Helps with memory and brain exercise
  • Enjoyable for players of all ages
See reviews for Matching Cards on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.61
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Date Author Rating Comment
Ste Car
Why is this game so Hard? Rage quit +9
Kassandra Midnyte Moon
Just started playing.. definitely hard to put down
Julie Nicely
I think it's good but as you go along it's to quick for the glance
fav songs H
Just anough of a challenge to keep you interested
Great game to test your memory.
Gwendolyn Campbell
Great game ads need to go
Susan Perks
Fun to do, and relaxing
Lisa Fitzsimmons
I love games like this cuz i get bored easily. This is my cure!!! Lol
Sreenivasa Rao P
Good game. Worth playing.. It helps to exercise the brain power.
Jen Miller
Extremely long ads inbetween games, video ads. The only way to tolerate the game is to turn wifi off! The card pictures are not intresting and there's only a few different pictures of the same cards.
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