Reviews of LOVE LOCAL

List of user reviews and ratings for LOVE LOCAL
See reviews for LOVE LOCAL on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.60
All time rating average: undefined

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Date Author Rating Comment
Tess Wilson
Ursula Quinn
This e gift was sent to me. I have contacted them several times but I can't put the gift onto my wallet in the app. I have been trying for a week.
Fred Smith
App registration is broken. Tried to log in with the Google account option, it didn't work. So I tried with an email address. Putting in my date of birth was a pain in the backside. You have to tap through the calendar month by month and can't just type it in. The app got stuck trying to log in. I'm only using this because someone got me a gift card and it's the only way I can access it. Edited because they have very quick and good customer support.
Russell G
Awful, what a pain to use. I was gifted £25 to spend and I can't be bothered following all the processes to get my money. The terrible experience starts with having to enter your date of birth with a monthly date picker that starts in 2023 and you can only change the selection one month at a time. The first character of your password is autocapitalised too, the first time I've ever see this online. App seems like an amateur made it.
Lisa Marron
Doesn't work cannot access voucher bought for me