Doomsday Algorithm Trainer

Brain trainer to calculate the day of the week for any given date

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4.80 (Rating count: 113)
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Recent rating average: 4.80
All time rating average: 4.80
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Date Author Rating Comment
Best App for learning the doomsday algorithm
iuse asgacc
So far very nice. I also like that the practice is broken down to its components too, good idea
Jacob Theis
Huge help in mastering a neat trick
Mitchell Vlaar
Perfect free practicing tool!
Cole Lin
add an option for add11 algorithm
Braeson Holland
Obviously layout, no ads, free. What's not to love?
Joe Eaton
This is outstanding minus some quirky behavior. Occasionally the explanation is just wrong. January never has 32 days. (Dev: I have a screenshot of your want it.) UPDATE: My ignorance. Thank you for the response. Second, the training automatically advances when you score high enough. It's simply too aggressive. More time at a lower level would be helpful without exiting and resetting. Despite those flaws, this is really good, especially for such a niche skill.
Ashley Norman
Great for daily practice. Slowly getting better! Would love to see a progress graph of best daily time Vs days training
Jack Tenrec
The perfect app for learning and practicing the Doomsday method. Incredibly useful. Seems to have an issue with daily streaks not registering on my device, but thats a small gripe and doesn't effect the usefulness of the app, it's otherwise great.
Thanks for this app It works very well and does the job. Happy to find it
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