AES 256: Encrypt & Decrypt

Encrypt & decrypt your texts & files with military-grade security

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4.33 (Rating count: 58)
See reviews for AES 256: Encrypt & Decrypt on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.57
All time rating average: 4.33

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29% (2)
Date Author Rating Comment
Ayush Kumar
I tried the app it has nice minimal only focusing on what matters ui making it user friendly but there is a problem that when encrypting or decrypting its files are saved into location or path which is of apps private directory something like /data/user/0/me.jagar.aes256/cache which is accessible only to root users. i request the developer to fix this.
Robotic Formulas
Seems Nice
Worst app
Laith Alrawe
I like this app but when i crypt file i don't know where did file have saved i cant find it
Tran Ngoc Duong
There is no way to enter data in hex and to display result in hex. Therefore I couldn't check if the program encrypts correctly, i.e. by AES.
Muneeb Asif
very helpful
Mohamed Elbadawy
I didn't understand how to use it 😔😔😔