Stock Option Quotes

Powerful stock and index option tracking tool for US Stock Markets

Total ratings

4.53 (Rating count: 1,127)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Responsive and intuitive user interface
  • Fast loading and easy access to option chains
  • Useful for quickly checking stock and option performance
  • Sorting feature not working properly
  • Inaccurate option prices displayed
  • Occasional freezing or loading issues
Most mentioned
  • Needs more detailed options data (Greeks, strike price adjustments)
  • Inconsistent availability of strike prices
  • Limited functionality compared to broker apps
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.53
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33% (7)
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19% (4)
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19% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
Jim Kimes
Stock Options app is very responsive and is uncommonly intuitive. I use it in conjunction with an algorithm I wrote for evaluating the best buy-write candidates.
Wayne Stoegbauer
Is excellent app for options, really liking the graph. Easy to understand and helps with visual understanding.
Edward Kvaraitis
Absolutely Awesome app 👍👍👍👍👍 IT is so convenient and easy to use having it within reach of My finger tips anytime of the day or night is a must.
Edward Saver
Good for keeping track of stock/options. Problems: 1. Sort is no longer working. 2. Incorect option price displayed. 3. If there is no trading for a specific strike, then strike is not shown.. This app is much better then other apps, I seen
Tanmoy Adhikary
The app is useful. However, the sorting order feature has stopped working recently. This is really frustrating.
It would be a good app if it did not freeze from time to time. You tap to launch it and it just sits there saying "Loading, please wait" but it never launches.
Christopher Fabian
This app is great! The user interface is crisp, clean and simple. The only thing I would ask the developer(s) of this app is to create a filtering feature on the headers of the columns so you can sort by strike price, volume, open interest etc. similar to an Excel spreadsheet.
Ketan Javiya
Perfect App For Quick Option Chain Analysis. Very Fast Loading, Quickly Launches Option Chain. No Account Required To Access. It's Free, So Obviously Option Data Are Sourced From Yahoo Finance, Which Are 15 Minutes Delayed - Well It's A Common Sense And Not A Problem.
Steve Landry
This app usually works great, but I tried adding SABR to my list. The app gave me SBRA. Entering SABRE got me to SABR, but it doesn't show up in my list. I tried the Re-Arrange function, but SABR still wasn't in my list. Deleting my list caused SABR to show up, but it disappeared when I added another stock. I re-installed the app but SABR only shows up in a list of one. It doesn't even find Dupont (DD). Update: SABR now shows up, but it doesn't find Dupont (DD).
A Google user
Good for a quick check of which strikes have high open interest. Would need to show Delta to get more stars. Doesn't always list all available strikes.
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