Reviews of AndSMB (samba client)

List of user reviews and ratings for AndSMB (samba client)

Total ratings

3.04 (Rating count: 5,384)

Review summary

  • Simple and straightforward tool for transferring files over SMB.
  • Connects well to various SMB shares, including Synology devices.
  • Useful for syncing photos, videos, and documents to external storage.
  • Requires the screen to stay on while downloading, which can be inconvenient.
  • Limited error handling and support for multiple shares.
  • Does not have the ability to write to external SD card or customize server names.
Most mentioned
  • Access denied errors when trying to connect to SMB shares.
  • The need for better background functionality and modernized UI.
  • Lack of options for copying and pasting between directories on the SMB server.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for AndSMB (samba client) on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 3.04
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Date Author Rating Comment
Ibrahim Khatib
Respect for being a small, tactical, simple, no-nonsense tool for transferring a tiny file over SMB in a pinch. That said, it's useless for large files and that makes it useless to me
Carl S. Gutekunst
A nice, clean, get-the-job done app that gets a lot right but is just crying for a little developer love. Obvious needs include better network error handling, support for multiple shares on the same server, cleaner behavior when accepting a share from other apps, timestamp preservation on copy, IPv6. Running in background would be great, too; that's not a deal breaker for me, but is for many folks.
Justin Schwartzbeck
While the app works, you have to constantly keep the screen on while downloading, or else the download will time out and fail. You can't move the app to the background and do other things while downloading either.
Sophia Rodriguez
Works well on Android (connecting to Synology DS218 via SMB), only while screen is on the app. If AndSMB is "running in the background", the download fails (even after providing all the possible permissions to the app)
Knut H. Flottorp
Finally an app with Microsoft SMB settings, and to avoid the other ratings, scan the LAN automatically, check for SMB and AFP ports, see what names they have, and present them. Afp for Apple is the same, faster and more secure. Good work!
Mackenzie Ryne Bagtong
Would be glad if it allows me to play the content (music and videos) without downloading it while they're connected with each other. Like the MiXplorer's SMB for example (except it has the ability to host an SMB1 server). You know why I downloaded your app? It's because it has SMB2 and 3 in it. We should be able to play the content in the in the future update :D Also, is there any way to host an SMB2/3 server using an android smartphone? You might as well add that feature to your app.
Adam Carlson
Finally I found a fricking app that connects to my Windows desktop which I have a share setup to my MP3 folder, so I can copy albums to my phone so I can listen in the car. ES File Explorer needs a premium version and CX File Explorer didn't work at all. Good simple app but I think the file explore (folders) screen isn't very good (like have it remember your scroll position when you go into a folder and then come out again). If you upgrade that control it would be 5 stars.
Mikey MoMo
Works ok so far. Looks a little dorky and no way to customize name of server. One of my servers has 5 shares but can't make a unique name so they can't all be added to the browse list. Just one. Then have to edit to get to a different share. Too much trouble!
Dan Lee-Felton
Used to be great, but at some point it stopped working, and now when trying to connect to SMB shares it gives permission denied errors even though on all other devices the SMB shares work fine with the same creds. I'm guessing there's something about SMB version 2 or 3 that the app isn't properly handling, because my shares work fine on linux/windows with multiple other applications.
Dawson C
Fairly straightforward, UI is a little dated but it does what it sets out to do: connect you to your SMB shares. Reconnecting to saved shares is also easy.
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