Sports Alerts - MLB edition

LIVE, FAST scores, stats and alerts for MLB

Total ratings

4.54 (Rating count: 5,778)

Review summary

  • Provides up-to-date MLB information and stats.
  • User-friendly interface with easy access to scores and rankings.
  • Has a dark theme and useful notifications (though there's a complaint about the dark theme feature).
  • Reliable app that has been improved over time with minimal ads.
  • Good for following player stats and game updates.
  • Alerts are often late, causing frustration.
  • Recent updates have introduced unwanted features (e.g., Daily Leaders Board) that some users dislike.
  • Issues with loading and displaying scores correctly.
  • Some users report problems with game betting odds and the need for more customization options.
  • Dark theme settings not functioning as intended after a recent update.
Most mentioned
  • Reliability of alerts and information.
  • User interface and navigation ease.
  • Recent updates affecting app usability.
  • Performance issues related to loading and score updates.
  • Desire for customization options and settings.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 4.54
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Date Author Rating Comment
Gareth Toft
Great information and links to YouTube highlights.
joseph lyman
Not loading.. error in loading. I love this app but what's going on. Nfl alerts same thing? Doreen lyman
John C. Menzies
No doubt Sports Alerts - MLB Edition is a very good, reliable and practical - ready to use - App for getting fresh up-to-the-minute information on MLB games. To have this awesome App is a must..!!
Dez Y
I've used this app for many, many years, and it has always been great. It has also been improved and expanded with minimal ads in discreet places, not in your face. Lots of game and player info, even live play-by-play. And it never ever screws up!
absolute garbage, cant correctly display score or what inning it is and has a 2-3 minute delay behind live games, cant even trust what the app displays is correct
Good app that would be better without "Expert Picks" & "Arcade Games". Also more settings options would be appreciated, including ability to turn off game betting odds. (And is there a "no ads" paid version?)
Debra Fernandez
Scores are taking longer to update. Had recent problem when it would not load. Problem fixed. Otherwise I love all of the info and stats available.
Smug Level: Zen Master
Alerts are frequently late. The three stars it earns are for everything else mostly being pretty good. Fix the late alerts and I will give a better score.
Neil Walker
I can't find the new Android Wear app specifically for MLB SCORES ONLY. I used my watch to access the Play Store but it's not showing up. Only the General Live Scores app which includes all the sports.
Lynn Moore
Great update with the player stats now included. Been using all of sports alerts app for several years and it just keeps getting better and great way to follow professional sports.
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