Local Weather Forecast - Radar

A professional, comprehensive and accurate weather forecast app

Total ratings

4.92 (Rating count: 140,187)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and navigate
  • Accurate weather information
  • No subscription fees for ad removal, just a one-time payment
  • Visually appealing layout and intuitive design
  • Keeps users informed of local weather and alerts
  • Frequent ads, especially in the latest updates
  • Inconsistent accuracy with temperature and wind speed reports
  • Widgets do not update properly
  • Requires ads to access certain features like emergency alerts
  • Lack of customer support for account issues
Most mentioned
  • Ads are intrusive and hard to skip
  • Inaccuracy in weather data, especially wind speed and temperature
  • Widget malfunctions and does not refresh correctly
  • General satisfaction with the intuitive design and ease of use
  • Desire for more customization options and features, like additional themes or radar functionality
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.92
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71% (22)
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Date Author Rating Comment
Originally ... "Tried a handful of weather apps. This one was the best by far. So good, I upgraded to the pro version." ------ But now ... Found BIG flaw, Wind Speed. Wind blowing so hard, hearing it loud indoors. But app says it's only 7 mph. So checked weather in browser, and it reports wind speed at 28 mph, which is what it really feels and sounds like. The app is 75% off on wind speed. So downgraded rating from 5 to 2 stars. May only use browser weather in future (w shortcut on desktop).
There are too many ads. When selecting daily weather views, you're forced to watch a loud ad for 10-15sec. There is no way to turn off volume or stop unless you close the app. But try again, and another ad pops up w same play duration. Had this app for some years w/o issues, but it seems the latest update has added the ads. Deleting
kay jackson
This is the best app I've ever used! It RETAINS my zip code/area every time it's opened. The one installed on my phone when purchased goes everywhere except where I've requested. I've saved my area everytime I open it. It would be great if this was the one installed on the phone. You can't uninstall the one on the phone and it's really aggravating. Anyway, the best weather app ever!
John crocker
Very well done and maintained app.My only suggestion would be to have a live background themes that matches the current weather as an option,as well as more background options like holiday themes. Other than that Very well done and very informative! It's worth the purchase to have no adds.Definately one of the better weather apps..
Shaun Lee VanArsdale
I like the info screen it has everything I want to see on startup by the hour. If I want more, it's just a scroll up and enough info to plan ahead for the week or two. The ads are small and not in your face. It never takes long to load. I'm not waiting for giant in your face ads to load before I even know what the temp is before I walk the dogs. I'm not sure why my widget doesn't display the current temp, but the weather screen loads so fast it is just a tap away.
Charlie Bowles
STILL feel the same. I'm 100% satisfied with this new weather app. Compared to the last weather app, this one is working out marvelous. It is less stressful and easy to navigate. I'm not saturated with ads like the last total DIFFERENT app, which I gladly uninstalled it. Still have the same feeling regarding this app.
This weather app, Is the best app that I have on my phone!!! Why...because from since moment installed it worked totally flawlessly and, The best part to this is that I was not being held hostage by some malicious 3rd&4th party ads. For example yesterday I installed transfer wizard app, which held me hostage for over a half hour, while trying to get rid of those recirculating ads that wouldn't even stop 🛑 Any app that has unrelenting malicious ads must just get uninstalled you'd lose clients!
Bj Bl
I like the accuracy of the app. It is easy to read. Also has information which helps with my allergies. Just love this app. I like that it has one fee to remove ads not a monthly subscription fee. Still using app. Had to purchase new phone other one was damaged. Hopefully it downloads on new phone as premium...
A Edwards
Blown away with the intuitive layout and simplicity of the app thus far. I'm going to give it a week, and if it's still as impressive as my first days of user experience, I'll be going Premium Pro. We are outdoor enthusiasts and very weather focused. This app is easy to read and very informative without all the fluff.
Jeremie Dexter
I rated this higher before. I needed an app that would keep a notification at the top of my screen that told me the current temperature. This app did that...at first. Then the temp would not update throughout the day. Then it straight up stopped showing the temp at all and was just a useless cloud or moon graphic.
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