Survival Craft Quest

Survival Craft Quest: survive natural disasters & desolation on desolate island!

Total ratings

3.71 (Rating count: 8,359)

Review summary

  • Clever use of match 3 mechanics within a survival game
  • Good execution on match 3 for survival game
  • Fun gameplay experience mentioned by some users
  • Excessive advertisements, including loud and inappropriate ones
  • Game-breaking bugs, especially after building a campfire
  • Difficulty in gameplay due to high danger from wild animals and lack of resources
Most mentioned
  • Ads are overwhelming and disrupt gameplay
  • Game crashes or freezes after building the campfire
  • Language and button accessibility issues in the UI
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.00
All time rating average: 3.71
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Date Author Rating Comment
Terrible, an ad before the game even starts, no tutorual worth talking about and an ad on every other action, oh and your ads are sexualised ones aimed at kids
The LouD1
2 ads before even get in the game the first time... Didn't play at all, directly uninstalled. Tf is this seriously?
The ads kept getting interrupted by the minimal gameplay.
Josh Skimerhorn
I was forced to watch 2 ads before I was able to get to the game. Both of which were significantly louder than the other content. I understand having ads but this is ridiculous. Instant uninstall.
Augustine Dildine
Amazing game, I love it, but I cannot for the life of me use the bandages for some reason? I'm on about 10 health and too scared to try and get food lmao
Looked nice and can't say anything else about the game because it never worked after the plane crash scene. No matter what I do the game won't let me click on anything. Tried reinstalling and made sure i had abundant of space but still goes nowhere further.
Al Mukhlishiddin
Really glad when I check this page to see if there's any updates to this game, and I found that finally the developer updated it since I really want to play this long time ago but the last version I played contain game-breaking bug. Thanks.
Panther9 Glacier
Ok so it's a simple survival. What's up with the white arrow? Game crashed. That's it can't play. Well this game was short.
Timmy Hendra Tjia
Good execution on match 3 for survival game, but probably you can give better rewards for match 4 and 5. Also motive drop is far too quick while the danger is too high. I barely stay alive after an hour... Energy/ health regen is recommended and bed/farm for motive are good. There is no point of making craft time.
A Google user
The game is fairly good with the only complaint being that there seems to be an over abundance of wild animals when doing menial tasks such as getting water or food. I mean going to collect water shouldn't be life threatening every time. I feel the ratio could be improved on.
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