
The official weather information and weather warnings for the State of Kuwait.

Total ratings

3.69 (Rating count: 595)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Provides detailed information about local weather in Kuwait
  • Users find the app generally useful and informative
  • Constant updates about weather conditions in different areas of Kuwait
  • Recent updates caused the app to stop opening for some users
  • Issues with compatibility on certain devices, particularly with launchers and sensors
  • Some users reported problems receiving notifications after updates
Most mentioned
  • The app is useful for weather information
  • Problems with updates leading to functionality issues
  • Device compatibility issues affecting performance
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 3.69
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Rating filters

5 star
52% (11)
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24% (5)
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14% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
mohamed elshame
I will not forget the first app ever help me like google earth. For Supporting google
الشعار داخل التطبيق يغطي على الكلام .. الرجاء تقليل تباين الشعار في الخلفيه وتبديل الالوان
mohamed hussien
Thank you for last update but the app widget is conflicting with the touch screen or fingerprint sensor on galaxy A52. Please fix it.
Talal Alsenan
With the latest update the app doesn't start.. I'm using nova launcher with S23 Ultra, if I click on the apo I get a message "permission denied" Using Samsung one UI the app works fine, only after april 2nd update it stopped working with nova launcher
Ihab Farrag
The app was perfect but since last recent update the app is not opening when I selected it by touch
Yasin Kara
Very good useful
Salah Bu-Gmasha (Bu-Tariq)
التطبيق شكله اوكيه ولكن اذا جيت للنشرة البحرية فهو فاشل فاشل فاشل. انصح باستخدام تطبيق *تقويم العجيري*
Ghanim Alghanim
Give detailed information about my local city related to weather
Bader Alkhamees
البرنامج ممتاز ويخدم مستعمله ويسد النقص بعرفة الحالة الجوية الحالية في اغلب المناطق.. وعمل البرنامج بكفاءة يدل على القائمين عليه من ابناء الوطن.. فلكم كل الشكر.
Ali Taqi
Ok 👌
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