Geo Quiz - Countries

World Geography Quiz - Solve quizzes and learn about the countries of the world

Total ratings

4.29 (Rating count: 164)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Educational and interesting
  • Helps with memorization of countries
  • User-friendly design
  • Good for children weak in geography
  • Non-intrusive ads
  • Limited quiz options and challenges
  • High cost of mistakes with ads
  • Missing certain countries
  • Annoying advertisements
  • Design could be improved
Most mentioned
  • Good app
  • Interesting and educational
  • Advertisements
  • Need for more challenging quizzes
  • Suggestions for improved features
See reviews for Geo Quiz - Countries on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 4.29
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53% (10)
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Date Author Rating Comment
Aaron Phillips
Good app, but the capital city quiz could be better. Obviously the capital of Canada isn't Tokyo or Moscow, all you have to do is recognize 1 city in the named country and you'll get it right. It would be much more challenging if it were, for example, choices of Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver or for Germany instead of giving us the option of Beijing, Mexico City or Washington DC maybe give options like Munich, Frankfurt, Berlin, etc.
Zoha Iqbal
Time is very less
Fathan Kelantan
Good idea
Ante Milan Vuleta
Joske The Great
Best countries information so far, I finally have memorized all 197 countries name!
George Hammett
Good app, but it should tell you your highest score for each game Capital of Netherlands is The Hague Capital of S Africa is Pretoria
A Google user
add an option to remove flags from the map quiz, you already have a mode for the flags, if I choose the wrong flag tell me what flag I chose so I learn from my mistake.
A Google user
Excellent. It is very interesting and very educational. It is very good for those children who are weak in geography.
A Google user
A Google user
Fat and good gama Lol
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