Radon Eye Plus(라돈아이플러스)

Radon child can perform the Wi-Fi settings and data validation, plus equipment.
See reviews for Radon Eye Plus(라돈아이플러스) on Google Play Store

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Recent rating average: 1.75
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A Google user
The Cloud Service connection setup does not work - I do end up all the time with a certificate error - even with a 2.4GHz WiFi. However, even the DIRECT Connect does only work ONCE directly after the power supply - after leaving the app, it will never ve able to find the RD200P device again - the previous Bluetooth connection did work more reliably!
A Google user
Typisch schnell hingerotzte App. Viele Funktionen gehen nicht (z. B. Alexa). Kopplung zum Konto funktioniert nicht. Gerät lässt Sicht nicht entfernen.
A Google user
Pretty great. I bought the Radon Eye Plus and love it. we had high radon when buying our house and the previous owner put a mitigation system in to take care of it. while there is a liquid measurement meter on the side of it I don't entirely trust one test. we bought this to ensure that the radon levels stay well below that of the EPA recommendations. It works wonderfully. I love that everyday it updates me to let me know that I am still radon free.
A Google user
I was able to connect once out of 100 attempts. Then the app crashed.