한국부동산원 부동산정보앱

We provide various real estate information such as sale and monthly rent price information, actual transactions, publicly announced prices, market trends, properties for sale, and apartment management fees, as well as a map service that can be viewed at a glance.

한국부동산원 부동산정보앱 - 부동산 정보 제공

한국부동산원 부동산정보앱 is a comprehensive mobile application that provides access to a wealth of real estate information, including market prices, trends, and detailed statistics. With features like local search, a favorites function, and a map for quick overview of properties, this app allows users to stay informed about the real estate market in South Korea effectively.
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App stats

Downloads: 1,297,961
Version: 7.3 (Last updated: 2024-10-23)
Version code: 73
Creation date: 2016-04-06
  • android.permission.INTERNET
  • android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS
  • android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO
Size: 2.90M
Full description: See detailed description


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User reviews

정말 유용합니다...
by A Google user, 2015-01-27
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