Learn Kotlin & Android

Learn Kotlin Programming with programming lessons, tutorials, programs & more

Total ratings

4.28 (Rating count: 2,173)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good introduction for beginners to learn programming basics
  • Nice and gentle design/UI
  • Potential for improvement if updates are made
  • Heavy advertising pushing for the pro version
  • Content is very basic and limited for the price
  • Many grammatical errors and bugs in the app
  • Lack of practical coding exercises and projects
  • Errors in lesson content
Most mentioned
  • Overpriced for the limited content offered
  • Frequent bugs and issues with app functionality
  • Poor writing quality and grammatical mistakes in lessons
  • Insufficient coverage of Android development
  • Lack of practice opportunities for users
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.90
All time rating average: 4.28
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46% (13)
Date Author Rating Comment
Challa vamshi
Kotlin is he app which the learners can make easy to understand the topic thank you and I enjoying a lot in this app
Derek Breski
Way overpriced for the amount of content available in this app. While it is helpful for teaching people the basics of programming, it doesn't go beyond the bare-bone basics of functions used in every other coding language.
Samantha M
Constant advertising to tell you to get pro. Logging in did nothing. Edit: I did not purchase pro and don't intend to. Sorry!
Kajalnayan Misra
This app doesn’t even cover the basics. Plus, I ran into some bugs while using it on my device. I emailed the developer to ask for a refund, but I doubt they even check their emails
Thain Kha Hein
Excellent app for beginners to learn programming.
Sudip Guha Roy
Good, and easy to understand the operation options
How can I get a refund? The app is buggy, and the codes are invisible.
John Tirelli
English translation was not great, but the effort is appreciated.
Chris Delia
This is a fun app. Doesn't cost that much to use forever and it will quiz you every time you learn something to make sure you know it before you move on.
Pablo Sánchez
The design is nice and gentle. But the text is very poorly written, some quiz questions contradict themselves. Too short and superficial and it won't even let you get past 30% without paying for pro version. Do not recommend.
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