주유도우미 - 최저가 주유소 가격비교

Essential app in the era of high oil prices, real-time oil price information, cheap gas station search

주유도우미 - 최저가 주유소 가격비교

주유도우미 - 최저가 주유소 가격비교 is an essential Android app that helps you find the cheapest gas prices based on your location. It offers real-time information with options to sort by distance and price, select fuel types, and designate favorite gas stations. With features like manual location saving and destination linking to maps, users can easily navigate to the best deals on fuel. The app sources its data from the Korea National Oil Corporation, ensuring accurate and up-to-date price comparisons.

App stats

By: Hana App
Downloads: 500,636
Version: 1.8.8 (Last updated: 2024-09-09)
Full description: See detailed description


User reviews

Please add navigation function so able to find gas station easier
by A Google user, 2011-02-21
View all user reviews

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