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ZIADA: Local Service Marketplace App
"ZIADA" is a local business and freelance service marketplace that connects consumers with trusted service providers in their area, offering easy access to a wide range of services and a transparent review system to ensure quality and reliability.
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Source: Google Play Store
User reviews
Good idea, and I thought of it too... but you're letting down peeps especially those willing and able to work! - Couldn't get past the sign up page though, and no I didn't set up my promotional messages, my Equity app works fine with otp and no changes, yours should too... Keep working at it though please! this can relieve so many; I'm a developer too, so I hope whatever you need to make this work is made available to you!
Kevin Kibet, 2022-03-01
Verify code Button not working. My problem is, i actually received the code but the verify button is not working
Benjamin Mokaya, 2022-02-13
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