Json File Opener Viewer Editor

JSON viewer editor allows the user to view and convert JSON files into PDF.

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2.85 (Rating count: 64)
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Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 2.85
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5 star
81% (17)
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19% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
The audacity to call this a JSON editor is unbelieveable. At best it's a simple text editor made worse by the fact the text is horizontally centered by default with no option to change this.
senrab naneek
App just doesn't work. No files show up in the app, and it doesn't associate itself with .json files, so you can't use open with in file viewer to open the files in this app. Also look at all the 5 star reviews, they're very clearly fake, all generic "the json file viewer app is very good and has the good features" no specifics on what's good or bad, and one even mentions graphics, which aren't a thing in a file viewer
Pat Abah
Cent even select a file after struggling with all the forced ads
Rebecca Krause
No search/find ability. A good plain text editor is better
Mantasha Khalil
"JSON File Opener Viewer Editor is a fantastic app! It makes working with JSON files a breeze with its user-friendly interface. It's an essential tool for anyone dealing with JSON data."😇😇
farhan haider
Jason file opener view of course a very wonderful app.i love this app because this is really a master piece created by developer.i really appreciate developer to develop such a fabulous app😇😇
robert msk
Jason file opener we were editor application is very missing application ##
Alvi Us
Json file opener viewer editor app vary nice app i like it✌
Jasica John (Ctv)
Jason file opener viewer is very good app easy to use and understanding ✌️
Munir bhai Yba
Json file opener viewer application is very awesome application ##
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