Green the Planet 2

GREEN THE PLANETS, GREEN YOUR LIFE. Let's enjoy traveling through the universe!

Total ratings

4.57 (Rating count: 77,665)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Beautiful and calming graphics
  • Engaging and addictive gameplay with a nostalgic feel
  • Minimal intrusive ads and optional rewards
  • Unique weapon combinations and upgrades
  • Good progression and incentive to continue playing
  • Repetitive gameplay after a short period
  • Technical issues causing crashes and bugs
  • Frustrating ad experience for paid users
  • Lack of clear instructions and explanations
  • Need for a more compelling story or endgame
Most mentioned
  • Issues with ads and game crashes
  • Repetitiveness in gameplay
  • Praise for graphics and overall aesthetics
  • Desire for improved game mechanics and clarity
  • Positive feedback on weapon upgrades and combinations
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 4.57
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Date Author Rating Comment
Bees Gooprealm
used to be really good but then it just kinda stopped working for some reason and idk why??? tried everything (turning phone off and back on, uninstalling and reinstalling the game, clearing cache, etc etc) and it still just shows a black screen and closes itself after a few seconds. i dont have this issue with any other app. hoping it just fixes itself one day but until then i have to take a star off sorry
Brenneko Kapazioni
A flat improvement over the original, which was already 5 stars. Progression is still quick and snappy, no intrusive ads, and having unique backgrounds and planets this time around is much appreciated. New weapons are nice and fusion is a cute concept, though both are hindered by the basic laser being the best weapon by a large margin.
Bre Plas
I've played this game on and off for multiple years, and it always has a way of drawing me in. The visuals are beautiful and all of the objects you can find give incentive to upgrade further and go farther! For those concerned about the game being slow, it's an idle app, so it just takes time and patience. The small vacuum robot you can buy can be upgraded, which will collect material for you to use on upgrades while offline! Upgrading it to max leads to a surprise that I can't say!
Aedan Gadsby
Awesome game, brings back some nostalgia as I used to play the original "green the planet" in middle school and loved it. Glad they made a second game with some improvements. They should add a landscape setting so you can play in landscape. One fault is after watching an ad to initiate a comet stream, the game will sometimes crash and completely reset so the comet stream will no longer be there. Otherwise it's a fun game.
Taking this down from 5 to 3 stars. When someone pays money for your game, they don't pay to get *skippable* ads. They pay to get *rid* of ads. I could understand if it was .99 but $5.50 should definitely be enough to cover ad revenue. I've paid less and gotten more elsewhere. It's a shame too because this is a cute and enjoyable game otherwise. It makes me angry to skip a freaking ad after every single darn area cleared. It's annoying enough to persuade me to stop playing entirely. What gives?
David Santefort
There is a bug that causes the game to crash if two fingers tap the screen at the same time. This partially resets some of the recent progress. The tool tips should be more clear for what the upgrades do instead of having a scrolling banner that describes them all. Otherwise, I like the idea of the game.
The Nitpick
I adore this game even more than the first one. The aliens are adorable, the notes in the logbook on the different items they find in asteroids are funny, the weapons can COMBINE now, and the starbit collector-robots that carry over from planet to planet caught me off guard in the best way. If I had to Nitpick anything, it would be how these aliens' language capitalizes the last letter of each sentence (example shown herE.), but only b/c I'm an English major and that will always look odd to me.
Elena Ambronica
This game is very fun if you're looking for something to do while you're traveling, with no wifi, or just bored. I've been playing since 2017 and I just want to say, I love it. I haven't had ads before, and It's really well made. I love watching the lil guys idle and the comets explode. However it's boring after a while. Other than that, greate game, reccomend it.
A lovely, relaxing game with a classic 8-bit feel to it. I play this game all the time, it's so soothing and easy. The goal is to collect [E] - entropy/energy, I believe, and to turn the planet green through blasting asteroids, collecting the material, and gathering it all up. Using [E] you can buy upgrades, but your gun is reset with every new planet. You keep whatever [E] is left from the planet you last completed, though, so you're left with plenty to buy a nice canon with the next. ^-^
A Google user
Its simple enough, controls wise, but as far as explaing why certain aspects of the game cant be completed and you have to figure it out on your own and its kinda frustrating but its cool gameplay, just needs a bit more fine tuning. Oh! And the videos you have to watch (you collect them in game and aren't ads) but they dont really have a point except to trigger commets and showers... so, maybe work a bit more on that as well, like an actual story, but all in all, its good.
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