Puzzle & Dragons

Let’s start epic adventure at the world of Puzzle & Dragons!!

Total ratings

4.17 (Rating count: 131,117)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Genius gameplay and addictive mechanics
  • Beautiful artwork and fantastic character designs
  • Generous event giveaways and content updates
  • No mandatory microtransactions for progression
  • Engaging puzzles that evolve in complexity
  • Significant issues with save data and account recovery
  • Late game difficulty spikes and power creep
  • Wish for better in-game information and tutorials
  • Unbalanced PvP and tournament matchmaking
  • Audio settings tied to ringer volume, causing issues with sound control
Most mentioned
  • Save data loss and lack of backup options
  • Difficulty spikes in late game
  • Generous events and character pulls
  • Technical issues like crashes and bugs
  • Quality of life improvements needed
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Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 4.17
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Date Author Rating Comment
Taco Seeker
I played this game when it first dropped on Android and had the event where you could get Andy as a creature. I've since lost that data because this preceeded Play backups, which was extremely disheartening as Andy was my favorite. I've wanted to get back into the game, but seeing there still isn't native Google backups without having to screenshot a key is not good, I'd like to not have to worry about device transfers in 2025, especially since I like to factory reset my device semi-frequently.
Jeremiah Wagnon
I used to love this game, I stopped playing because non of my 1000 monsters where competitive anymore that I spent alot of money on. Started playing again after 4 years because of the one piece collab. Pulled 200 stones, traded for gallantmon leader. Went to easy novice dungeon and lost on 1st battle. Un-installed the game and probably will never go back again . They made everything too hard and complicated . I'm very disappointed and wish I could get my money back after years of playing.
A Google user
Gameplay is genius. Grab an orb. Drag it until time runs out, displacing whatever you drag it through to set up as many matches as you can. However, PaD has no early game balance. It's too easy for too long, unless you intentionally limit yourself from using overly strong units. (I recommend this.) The sweet spot in the middle is amazing. When you hit late game, you'll find it gets harder and harder to use your favorite monsters, but don't lose hope. Old monsters get new upgrades here and there.
Jude Lochlan
This is easily the best puzzle combat game on the Play Store. There're only ads if you want bonuses, and you don't need microtransactions to progress. The art is amazing, the characters look absolutely awesome, and the game overall is deeply satisfying and very well made. Edit: big UI and QoL update today! All of the changes are fantastic!
Adamm Padrta
Fun, easy to learn, and a great UI too. Art style is also fantastic, some of these profiles I can't stop looking at. I do wanna say though that the gameplay is very either-or; the dungeons are either incredibly easy and you get through them in two turns, or they are literally impossible to clear. I wish there was more of an in-between as far as difficulty is concerned. Other than that, great game!
Julie Wu
Game is fun and I love the challenges set by each monster's skillset during the game play. One thing I would change is give players the option to lock the first 3 teams so that friends will be able to use all 3 different leaders instead of the 2 most frequently used by the player. The database in game doesn't show where to farm for specific monsters, nor does it have a schedule posted.
One of my favorite games. I love it so much. The artwork and voice lines are beautiful, the collabs are amazing, they're generous with events, and the game is really technical and absorbing. However. Info in general is so sparse, and some dungeons are straight up cruel. I played one with a fixed team, and even with the board change unit, was always a combo or 2 short to do ANY damage for around 20 turns before dying. That was ridiculous. It's sad that as much a masterpiece it is, it's all rng.
Kyan The Jingly
Now this is how you make a game with micro transactions. Spending money isn't even slightly required. You boot the game for the first time, and you immediately have access to a stacked team, if you want to have that. And you get the things you need for more rather easily. I've been playing this since I was 7 I believe? It was around a year old at that point, i think. Give or take. And while I've uninstalled, reinstalled, switched phones, and restarted my save so many times, its still fun.
Nicholas D
I've been playing this game since 2014. Lots of collabs and giveaways, and it doesn't take long to get hooked. I love the story mode chapters, which have quickly become my favorite dungeons to play. However, it's certainly a love-hate relationship getting worse over time with PAD. The game sees a ton of power creep, and dungeon enemies are less challenging these days than irritatingly annoying, such as with damage absorption. I just can't find myself playing it like I once did.
James Smith
Game is fun, very generous. However, late game is plagued with over scaled difficulty due to needing exact specific high end monsters. PvP is poorly designed that it can, and quite often does, put the best players vs the worst players. Tournaments are based on how much money you spend to have the best monsters, and very rarely on skill. And lastly if you use a stylus vs your fingers the game rewards you with easier gameplay.
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