Web page downloader

You can browse downloaded pages at offline.

Total ratings

3.20 (Rating count: 1,615)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • App downloads pages as seen on the browser.
  • Fast capture of web pages.
  • Downloads all images and supports JavaScript for links.
  • Files are difficult to locate; stored in a hidden or app-private area.
  • App crashes and loses downloads frequently.
  • Errors occur during downloading and accessing saved content.
  • Limited functionality with no settings or options for users.
Most mentioned
  • Inability to find saved files after download.
  • App crashes or stops working unexpectedly.
  • Blank pages displayed after download.
  • Limited control over download settings and locations.
See reviews for Web page downloader on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.50
All time rating average: 3.20
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80% (16)
Date Author Rating Comment
Queen Beetoria
Unable to find the downloaded content with file manager. Once the app is closed or cache cleared, all the downloads are lost.
j f
I enter URL give it a name and press download. It shows it downloaded 434 k. I tap on the line showing the download. A blank page is displayed.
Ekanshu Saini
Every time its close and back automatically to home and restart again.
Dumbest app of all time. Where in the hell is the saved file?
A Google user
This app is very limited. Apparently it stores it in an area private to this app and can only view the web page only by using this app. No useful setting options.
John Dohe
What you get from an app with no options,control,info,settings, is a website that is displayed correctly, but there is no way to know if the page is displayed from cash or fetched online unless you disable Wi-Fi + 4G. No update of the cash is possible. Just redownload of the whole site, in my case hundreds of megabytes, thousands of pages. If this app goes to the background while downloading, it will stop immediately with an error, forcing you to delete everything and start over from scratch ! !
Daniel Alozie
Best app cos it downloaded and saved the page as seen on my browser unlike other app that failed. i love it!
Looked promising, but after a couple of downloaded pages the app just collapsed and shut down it self. When I re opened it again all the downloads were gone... time wasted.
Aliyan Hamza
Very very very useless app not saving page😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
Dr C
Errors on first try. Url is correct
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