
RoboMaker®, a robot laboratory to understand block-based programming.

Total ratings

3.33 (Rating count: 1,123)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great for programming robots
  • Build instructions are helpful and easy to follow
  • 3D model concept is easy to use
  • Good value for money
  • Kids can quickly learn to program with it
  • Connectivity issues with Bluetooth
  • In-app instructions are poor
  • App crashes and fails to load
  • Requires location permission for Bluetooth to work properly
  • Confusing Bluetooth status indications in the app
Most mentioned
  • Bluetooth connection problems
  • Instructions for building robots are inadequate
  • Overall positive experience for children programming
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 3.33
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Date Author Rating Comment
shakila navin
So nice and I made 200 robot's because of this app
Kannan G
Thank you for updating this app! I can finally play with my robot.
Mark Cole
Would not load keeps crashing
Adeniran Oluwasemilore
It a really good app for programming a robot
Summer Dikshit
Not download this app this is waste your time it's very very bad I don't like this really I don't give one star
Sebastian Bautista
I can't connect even tho I connected my Bluetooth. What a waste of time :/
Rahmeh Mamkegh
It is not working to connect the Bluetooth
Nubaid Ishraq Ahmed
It's a little boring you just have to press a button a lot of times to make arobot
P Mer
I thought I could make a digital robot with it, but I can only use it as a guide to make a real one. I don't have anything to make any kind of robot that isn't digital or imaginary, so this app is useless for me. Good app though.
Rampal Singh
Its not good game because we have to not make the robot
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