Touch Assistant

Touch Assistant: Simple and smooth device navigation assistance

Total ratings

4.62 (Rating count: 1,485)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Ad-free experience
  • Easy to use and user-friendly
  • Customizable with various options
  • Does not significantly impact battery life
  • Effective for users with non-functional hardware buttons
  • App frequently disappears and requires reactivation
  • Inconsistent performance across different devices
  • Some users experience force stops or crashes
  • Requests for additional features (e.g., hotspot toggle, sound control)
  • Icon transparency issues causing visibility problems
Most mentioned
  • App disappears randomly and needs to be reactivated
  • Desire for more customization options
  • Ad-free feature is highly appreciated
  • Performance issues on specific devices (e.g., Xiaomi, Motorola)
  • Requests for specific functionality improvements (e.g., brightness control, more icons)
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.62
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Rating filters

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69% (22)
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Date Author Rating Comment
Nor Amaliana
It keep disappeared everytime I clear my phone and have to turn it on back before. But now it's not. The hassle is gone so I appreciate it a lot.
All are promo ahh the new update is bad and the old is good and it is not all promo it is freešŸ’¢
shah syed ayaz
This app is the best. When I take a screenshot, the app icon is not visible in the photo. This is the best app. Thank you very much.
Ronald NuƱez
Outstanding! I had tried with several similar apps, but this is really my favorite
aasiya ahamed
can you make an option to make brightness 0 . in one tap
Santosh Kumar
I have purchased the app I request the developer to make a small charge for icon transparency
Santanu Sahoo
Split screen toogle is not working in my Motorola g84 5g phone and please provide screen recording toogle in your apk.
Rinku Mittra
Perfect & easy to use if your mobile power on off switch not working recommended to install this app.Good job team
Xboy Notiya
its good i really love this app and this not lagging and not using battery so ilove this app so much
Clash Fighter
the new update i always experience unexpected force close/stop
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